Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Life Update

Hi everyone!

Firstly, I can't remember the last time I posted and that makes me an awful blogger! Unfortunately, all my time has just been eaten up over the last few weeks but I am hoping to get some sort of blogging routine in place from next week!

As I'm in my second year at uni now, everything gets that little bit more intense and that little bit more ridiculous in terms of free time. It doesn't help that I am one of those people who can't say no and then finds themselves in a right pickle when they realise that, by saying yes to everything, they don't actually have the time to do everything. Yes. That is me. And for that reason, my blogging has suffered immensely and I'm sorry!

However, the upside to my "just say yes to everything" mindset, is that I've bagged myself an internship at "What'sOnStage" for the Summer and then I'm heading to Australia for 5 months next February, which is so exciting but so terrifying at the same time! Basically, my uni allows all students to take a placement year, which is sort of like a gap year but you have to do work to match your course (for me, that's theatre). This means I will be studying for a semester in Australia, not going on holiday. I've been so lucky to get these opportunities- I'm still not sure it's all fully sunk in yet! No matter how scared I am, I have a (cheesy) feeling that the next 12 months are gonna be pretty hectically wonderful. On a further cheesy note- this time last year, I wouldn't have said yes and I wouldn't have even thought about going to the other side of the world, on my own, for half a year, but a sudden surge of YOLO (sorry) had me filling out a form and the next thing I know, it's confirmed. The only thing holding me back was fear, and fear isn't a good enough excuse for me.
just say yes - snow patrol
...and this is why I pretty much love this movie. A totally relatable Disney character for once. <3

These things have been in the pipeline for a little while, but now they are official, I thought it was worth telling you guys that trying to get this all sorted played a big part in why I haven't blogged in, what seems like forever.

This in mind, let's talk YouTube. Back in January, I promised to start up a YouTube channel. I even filmed the first video, but it just didn't feel like the right time to start. So, now I have the makings of a placement/gap year type thing happening, I thought it made much more logical sense to start the channel properly in the Summer, when more exciting things are happening and I have more time!

Hope that all sounds good to you guys! And there WILL be a post up next week. You can even quote me on it and everything.

I'll leave you with my favourite  thing at the moment- this mash up from Sam Tsui of "Let It Go/Let Her Go" cos Frozen is the best.

What have you guys been up to?
Happy midweek!

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