Friday, 16 August 2013

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award!

Hello lovely readers! Hope you are all having a fabulous week!

I got a nice little comment from the lovely Bridie from 'Young and Foolish Happiness' to say I'm one of the bloggers she's nominated for the Liebster Award which is incredibly exciting! I'm still a fairly new blogger so this is a huge deal! It's wonderful to know that you aren't just writing to yourself- there are people who are reading and enjoying what you have to say which, for an aspiring journalist, is a bit of an ego boost.

For those who don't know what the Liebster Award it, it's an award for bloggers with less that 200 followers. The aim of the award it to put these smaller blogs on the map and get them some more followers which is such a nice idea.

So here's the deal:
  • If nominated, you have to answer 11 questions, set by the blogger who nominated you. 
  • In turn, you must provide 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • You must link back to the person who nominated you.
  • You must answer all 11 questions set by whoever nominated you.
  • You must choose 11 bloggers to nominate, all with fewer than 200 followers.
  • You must go to your nominee's blogs and notify them that you have nominated them
The questions Bridie gave me were:

1. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? 
New York for sure!

2. Choose a movie title which best describes your life.
I would like to think it's The Princess Diaries  and one day my nan will announce I am secretly a Princess, but in reality it is probably more Bridget Jones, minus the 'Raining Men' fight.

3. When you were little what was your dream job?
Oh gosh there were many. I went through a phase where I was convinced I was going to be in the girl version of McFly...

4. What is the first thing you look for in a male/female?
Sense of humour. If you can't make me laugh, jog on.

5. If you could kiss any celebrity who would it be?
Tom Hardy. Even when he was Bane.

6. You're having a dinner party, you can invite anyone in the world.. Who?
Audrey Hepburn. I'm sure we could get a good few hours out of discussing her beauty regime (before she died, obvs).

7. You receive a lifetime supply of one make-up product, what do you choose?
MAC Studio Fix Fluid. It's at least 20 quid a pop so having it forever would be pretty helpful.

8. What is your favourite high street store?
Probably Miss Selfridge. I have to execute high levels of self control whenever I go in or go past.

9. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Probably getting through my IB (A level equivalent, 6 subjects rather than 4) in one piece and then proving loads of my teachers wrong, then getting my first choice uni. Pretty chuffed with that.

10. If you could go back to live in any era which one would it be?
The 20's. Purely for the flapper dresses.

11. What is one of your major goals in life? 
To become a journalist in Theatre- writing press releases for shows, reviews etc.

And here are my questions for my nominees:

1. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of clothes or make up?
2. You're a movie maker person. You can turn one book into a film. Which book do you pick?
3. What is the beauty product you cannot life without?
4. What is your favourite beauty brand?
5. What is your favourite item of clothing you own?
6. Why did you start blogging?
7. What is your all time favourite book?
8. You can do one job for the rest of your life. What is it?
9. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
10.Whose gonna play you in the movie of your life?
11. Who is your ideal man/woman?

These are the bloggers I have nominated:

Niamh Etc.
Wander Through Wonderland
The Northern Doll
I 'Art Nails
Coffee and Catwalks
Roaring Twenties
Victoria Louise Loves
Return of Saturn
According to Alice
Girl Meets World
Lanie Cakes

Happy blogging!


  1. congrats! you have a lovely blog :)

    1. thank you very much! given yours a look too- it's lovely! given you a follow on GFC :)

      Becci x

  2. Well done, loved reading your answers! Fancy following each other through GFC? Let me know!:)x

    1. thank you! your blog is lovely :) yes I would love to follow each other! following you on GFC now :)

      Becci x

  3. Replies
    1. ahh i don't know how you couldn't! thanks for the comment, giving your blog a look now :)

      Becci x

  4. You totally worth it!

    Style Nirvana

    1. thanks! given you a follow :)

      Becci x

  5. I did this too :) good answers!

    ps- you have a new follower ;)

    1. ohh thank you! giving you a cheeky follow back now!

      Becci x

  6. Congrats lovely, really interesting answers! Tom Hardy is a bit of a babe... thanks for the nomination :) xxx

  7. i think you'd be crazy to disagree aha i'm even debating watching a documentary about poaching because he is presenting it... and no problem hun! you have a great blog so you deserve it! xxx
