Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Nailed it! (or not...)

So, it's summer (apparently).   For a lot of us, this is the time to kick  out the dull colours of the winter and spice ourselves up with a bit of colour.  I personally go out and buy brightly coloured clothes, but, alas, it is that time of the year where my student loan is dwindling to the point of non-existent and such luxuries seem like a distant memory. But I have noticed over the last couple of years, that people are injecting that summer feeling into their everyday look in an alternative and more practical (well in some cases) way, which won’t leave them shivering by 7pm because it was so warm when they left the house, they just had to bust out that brand new dress and a jacket would just ruin the whole effect. We’ve all been there, that sudden downpour we hadn’t prepared for, that chilly breeze that stays the night, the ups and downs of the ‘Great British Summer’ that we never learn from. But I digress. I’m talking about Summer nails (of course!).

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The Great Gatsby- Review

I went to see 'The Great Gatsby' with a friend this week and oh my life was it good. I must confess, I never did finish the book but after seeing the film, I'm glad I didn't, or there would have been no surprises. 

Last Couple of Weeks

Hi Everyone!

Sorry again for such a hefty absense, uni is ridiculous at the moment!

Just thought I would fill you in on what I've been up to as an attempt to justify my failure to blog.